Solar Panel Recycling Booking Form
Have you made a solar panel recycling booking with us before?
Email Address
If this is pre-filled ONLY update if incorrect
Company Name
Your First Name
Your Last Name
Phone Number
Company Address
Company City / Suburb
Company State
Company Post Code
Booking Details
What is the site address these panels were/are being removed from?
Please select your drop off location
Capalaba - Ideal, 160 Redland Bay Road, Capalaba
Nambour - Ideal, 8 Court Road, Nambour
North Lakes - Ideal, 10/20 Burke Crescent, North Lakes
Rockhampton - 33 Stenhouse Road, Nerimbera
Surfers Paradise - Ideal, 43-45 Upton Street, Bundall
Toowoomba - Rexel, 188 James Street, Toowoomba
Townsville - Solarshift, 49 Carmel Street, Garbutt
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
What date will you be dropping off the panels?
How many panels do you have for recycling?
If above 30 Panels you will receive a call from the New Limit Team. Please note that the response email is not a confirmation of the booking
What is the reason for decommissioning the panels?
Replacement of system
Replacing some damaged panels
Removing and not replacing
Who is the manufacturer of the panels?
What is the Model of your panels?
What is the wattage of the panels?
How many panels look damaged?
Do you have photos of the panels?
Yes, of them on the roof
Yes, of them on the ground
No photos
If you are unable to provide photos please contact our desk on 1800 960 890 after submission of this form.
Please upload your photos
I agree to receive updates about the program, expansion and related opportunities from New Limit, Smart Energy Council and other program partners.